Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 6, 2015

My true Story

This is my embarassing story. This is true story. ( I was waitress)
A few months ago, when i was working in my restaurant. My restaurant was really crowded because of weekend. I was working very hard. I had to manage 3 table, each table had 4 people. While i was busy orderring foods and drinks for customer, a customer at next table called me to have his check. I looked around, nobody watress. I walked over to this customer to take these buffet tickets and check everthing they used. I went in a hurry and take the check from  our cashier and gave the customer. I quickly received money and gave them to our cashier and received the change and VAT receipt to hand them to customer.  In my haste i tripped and fell bang on the floor. I looked so hot and cold. I kept silent and went to the bathroom really fast.

Calm down and learned experince next time!

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